Lots going on with
RouteArrows here in early March! On 3/1, I flipped the calendar to my 59
th annum, a slightly terrifying milestone. Wonderfully, I share that birthday with my daughter, who's now 22 and about to graduate from the University of Oregon! It was waaay back, nine years ago, as I was turning “the Big Five-O” that
RouteArrows.com was born in early 2007. And it was just over one year ago, 3/27/15 to be exact, that Leonard Nimoy passed away.
How are
those incongruous items connected you ask? Well, as you probably know, Mr. Nimoy was Spock on the original Star Trek TV show and in many of the subsequent “Trek” movies. I always felt a kinship with Spock; the apparent paradoxes with his Vulcan cerebral and the Human demonstrative facets of his existence. Though just human, I doubt I was the only one who also felt the same way.
I actually was “Spock” for Halloween back in the early 70’s. My mother sewed a homemade federation emblem on a dark blue velour shirt acquired from goodwill and she also fashioned my pointy ears with theatrical makeup wax. My haircut and my “high-water” bell-bottom pants were already close enough.

So, it was on that February date a year ago, after Mr. Nimoy’s passing, that the mashup phrase “Live Long and Pedal” came to my mind, derived from the well-known Vulcan salutation. What has now followed that notion is a new offering from
RouteArrows.com that I hope will be of value to all those cyclists who’ve appreciated RouteArrows and those who’re yet to appreciate them!

We’ve chosen
“Live Long and Pedal” as the introductory hallmark slogan for the sign on the back of these unique, colorfully branded, high visibility jerseys. And it will continue to be the mantra with which we’ll introduce other fun-spirited apparel selections, as well as other “Hi-viz” cycling/running products yet to be created! And if you look on the collars, you’ll see the Vulcan split-finger salute displayed there.
We are also introducing a new signage category in our
RouteSigns catalog, Group “F” for

These signs are perfect for your finish line to congratulate and applaud your participants, and then direct them to your post event refreshments!

Be the first in your peloton to get your very own “
Live Long and Pedal” jersey, see our online store, then under “Apparel”
Live long and Pedal!