Yep! You read that right! We believe it’s important - we choose quality over price.
Our first product, RouteArrows (& RouteLines) are made at a 92+ year old company in Western MA, the first and only RouteArrows manufacturer!
RouteSigns are made to order in quirky Santa Cruz, CA by a 56+ year old signage and printing company, just a mile from the beach. They’re so well known, they didn't even have a sign on the building.
RouteCans are individually hand-made by me at our world headquarters in Mountain View, CA just down the street from another small local company called...Google.
The “Can” portion is a newer product made by “the world's largest plastics recycler” a 38 year old company based in Troy, AL. The other wood and metal parts and fasteners are all USA sourced, as are all the reflective materials.
BlankSigns are a plastic material called “Coroplast” also USA sourced, from a 36 year old family-owned CA based plastics distributor and fabrication company.
We greatly appreciate all our USA manufacturers hard work, as well as our sources for their use of recycled materials!
Read more of our informative and entertaining FAQ’s here: https://www.routearrows.com/faq/