Partial Roll of RouteArrows? Here's What To Do!

Hello RouteArrows Family!

As the event season winds down, you might have partial rolls of RouteArrows that you will want to use in the future!

The adhesive may diminish slightly if left out in the open,
so it is a good idea to store them in an air-tight 1 gallon
Zip-Loc™ baggy - to maintain stickiness!

We know it is helpful to know how many RouteArrows are left on those partial rolls, and luckily it’s very easy to figure that out!

If you have a Gram Scale: (kitchen food scale)

A full / unused roll of RouteArrows weigh 845 grams.

The 3” cardboard core weighs 45 grams.

So, the 250 RouteArrows weigh 800 grams!

Therefore, each RouteArrow (plus its backing paper) weighs 3.2 grams!

Use this equation to find the number of RouteArrows remaining on your roll:

X (your partial roll of RouteArrows weight in grams) minus 45 (weight of core) equals Y (weight of your Arrows without core)

X - 45 = Y

Y ÷ 3.2 grams = Z (# of Arrows remaining)


If your partial roll weighs 253 grams, subtract 45 grams = 208 grams.

Divide 208 by 3.2 = 65 RouteArrows left for your next event!


If you have an Ounce Scale:

A full roll of RouteArrows weigh about 29.5 oz.

The 3” cardboard core weighs 1.5 oz, so 250 RouteArrows weigh 28 oz!

Therefore, each RouteArrow (plus its backing paper) weighs 0.112 oz.

X (your partial roll of RouteArrows weight in ounces) minus 1.5 (weight of core) equals Y (weight of your Arrows without core)

X - 1.5 = Y

Y ÷ 0.112 = Z (the number of remaining RouteArrows!)

More Tips:

1) It’s always a good idea to be generous when marking your event routes, because as the saying goes “people don't make wrong turns…. they miss the right ones!” If you need help calculating how many RouteArrows you need per route, see our FAQ’s page.

2) We always recommend ordering your rolls of RouteArrows about 1- 2 months ahead of time to eliminate any last minute issues and pre event stress!

3) We’re getting amazing feedback on the ease and efficiency of RouteCans, order yours now for next year's event and your marking team will really appreciate* it!

* Speaking of appreciation, do you have a Route Marking Captain that you’d like to thank in a special way? Our next email will announce our end of the year plans, which may just help you do that!

All the best, until the next!

Randall and Roslyn

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