RouteHero #7

This week’s RouteHero* is The Verona Public Library!

Their simple and forthright mission statement is what drew our attention and it gives us hope for the future as well! “The Verona Public Library enriches lives and builds community by providing opportunities to discover, connect, learn, and enjoy.”

While their focus isn’t on athletics, they are very active in the humanities - being Heroes in their community, bringing support and enrichment to everyone.

Every spring they have a fundraiser called Word on the Street 5k Run/Walk.

All proceeds from that event go to the Verona Public Library Endowment Fund.

This year on May 4th, 2019 they will host an Adult 5k Run/Walk as well as a Kids Run, where they follow numerous costumed book characters into the park, while reading fun and inspirational literary quotes along the way, and across the finish line!

Speaking of community fun, the Verona Library also has a Book Bike! It’s a custom-built trailer that’s pulled by a bicycle and takes books as well as general library information out into the community. People can check out a book or two, sign up for a library card, and find out about all their library programs. How cool is that!

Verona, is a fairly small town, population wise, with just over 10,600 and it’s located out West of the capital city of Madison, down in Southern Wisconsin.

The Verona Public Library is part of the larger South Central Library System, a cooperative network of 53 public libraries covering a seven-county area.

We appreciate their dedication to making a positive difference in people’s lives, and that they are “free and open to all and treat everyone with respect and compassion.”

Learn more @

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*Motivated by the amazing number and diversity of philanthropic organizations that use RouteArrows, our goal here is to share with you some of these unique organizations and their endeavors that are bettering people's lives, their communities & our world.

We’re humbled and honored to be playing a “Roll”!

#RouteArrows #RouteHero #PlayaRoll #WordOnTheStreet #5k #Run #PublicLibrary

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