A Registration / Check-in Table Sign will help inform your participants of the RouteArrow color they will be following, right before they head out on their ride!
You can use materials like cardboard, FoamCore etc, but a black background makes the bright arrow colors POP!
The sign in the photos is 16” wide x 24” tall. (I used an XL Blank Sign, available in our store.)
How to make the sign:
- Place the arrows 1.5 - 2” apart vertically, centered on the sign, L to R.
- Place arrows in a pattern: i.e. longest route on top, descending lengths, or the inverse. (They should match the pattern out on the road / routes, because continuity is a good thing!)
To make the numbers:
- If you’re good with a wide permanent felt marker, write the distance numbers that way.
- Or use Avery Brand “Sticker Project Paper” (#4397) and print your route distance numbers 2.5” high to fit on the 3” wide RouteArrows. (As shown in the pictures)
- Or there are 2” black vinyl number stickers available at many art and craft stores too.
You can either make a single sided sign and place it high enough so it’s easily seen by those checking in at the reg table.
Or, make a two-sided sign and place it in the center of the reg table, at 90 degrees to the table front, so both ends of the table can see the sign!
This small effort really helps all your participants have a clear understanding of your RouteArrow colors used on your routes, which reduces stress before they leave the Start Zone!
It is also very helpful to put RouteArrows logos on your event website route info as well as on the printed maps / cue sheets! (All 9 logo colors are downloadable from the RouteArrows website.)

More helpful tips coming soon!
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